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Posted April 22, 2021 by Rental Advisors

Creating Your Perfect Home Office

With COVID-19 reshaping the landscape of the business world and work-from-home becoming more prevalent, having your perfect home office is more important than ever.

Creating your ideal office space requires forethought, expert planning, and likely spending a few dollars. Here are some ideas to create your perfect working office.



When choosing the right room for your office, you should consider the amount of natural light, the location in your house to avoid distractions, and the accessibility. It's recommended that you avoid having your home office in your bedroom or living room, as there are a lot of different distractions in frequently used rooms. Instead, consider rearranging a spare bedroom or finding a space in your basement that is away from frequently used rooms. 


Comfort & Aesthetics

Just because it's an office space doesn't mean it has to be dreary and bland. In your ideal office space you should be comfortable in your chair at your desk surrounded by pictures, plants, or any other decor that spurs your mind and brings your stress levels down. One of the most important, if not the most important thing, is your chair. You need to have a comfortable office chair to avoid future back pain while feeling comfortable sitting down for a full day of work. You want to make sure you have lumbar support, padding for your back and bottom, arm rests, and many more things to look for in your office chair. Bring some colour and life to your office by painting your walls, hanging your favourite pictures, and bringing some plants into the mix. The opportunities to make your office into your favourite room are endless; find the scheme that fits your style the best.  



A large part of keeping your office aesthetically pleasing and easy to manage is having organization at the forefront of your mind, which requires ample storage space. Whether it's on your desk or a filing cabinet in the corner of your office, you can never have too many options when it comes to keeping your workspace neat and organized. Consider purchasing a desk with pull out drawers for storing things like writing utensils, printer paper, extra mouse and keyboards, and any other small office supplies you need quick and easy access to. Purchasing a filing cabinet will help you stay on top of your important documents, but can also serve a secondary purpose of storing important personal information like tax returns and pay stubs. Keeping a clean and clear workspace will help you stay focused on the task at hand, and will allow you to keep a stress-free office.