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Posted April 12, 2024 by Rental Advisors

Creative Landscape Ideas to Help Enhance Curb Appeal

Your home’s exterior is the first impression visitors and potential renters will have, so why not make it unforgettable? From flower beds, water features and statement pieces to everything in between, there are a myriad of options when it comes to your front lawn. Let’s explore some ideas that will turn heads and increase rental applications.

Add Colourful Flower Beds

An easy and cost-effective way to improve your property’s appeal is by adding flower beds around the front of the home. These will add a pop of colour to the area and create a welcoming atmosphere for visitors and passersby. Including seasonal flowers will also help guarantee year-round attraction and interest. Adding mulch to the flower bed will not only suppress weeds and retain moisture for the plants, but it can also colour coordinate with the home exterior, complimenting it and tying the entire landscape together for a cohesive, polished look. As well, finishing off the display with decorative edging – made of either stones, bricks or small fences – shows attention to detail and care for the property.

Light Up the Space with Pathway Lighting

It is important to make your property look appealing at all times of the day, so illuminate all walkways with pathway lights. Not only will this brighten up the space and invite interest in the home, but it also shows that you are a conscientious landlord who cares for your tenant’s safety.

Incorporate Water Features

While they may not add to the value of your home, water features can boost the aesthetics of your landscape. Whether it is a small pond, a fountain or a simple bird bath, these elements can create a sense of tranquility as the sound of water greets potential tenants. As an added bonus, you can explain in your listing how they are eco-friendly, using elements such as solar power or recycled water to promote sustainability. This will appeal greatly to eco-conscious renters.

Use Vertical Space for Gardens

If you have a smaller front lawn, you can use vertical structures to still create a captivating landscape. Items like trellises, hanging baskets, wall-mounted planters or window boxes help to bring the greenery upwards, creating a plant paradise without taking away valuable lawn space.

Make a Statement

Standing out on listing websites is important to attract potential renters, so add a statement piece to your front lawn to increase appeal. Plant a statement tree that can act as a focal point without obstructing or taking away from the home. Choose one that has interesting flowers, alluring foliage or a unique bark colour. Alternatively, you can add sculptures to the front of the home to increase visual interest, bringing the personality of the interior outside. Another way to do this is to paint the front door a bold colour. This is the focal point of the home from the curb and should reflect the style found inside the house. Matching this to the flowers or other elements will make the entire landscape feel cohesive. Remember: you want to draw attention to your home, so don’t go overboard with statement pieces. It could get overwhelming and distract from the beauty and charm of the home's architecture.

Create A Cozy Outdoor Seating Area

Potential tenants want to be able to visualize themselves in the space. Adding a cozy outdoor seating area will help them do just that. Invite them into the space with comfortable benches and chairs, all garnished with cushions, blankets and pillows. If you have the space, install a porch swing for a unique experience and selling feature. Add ambient lighting and potted plants to finish off the space, making it irresistible to passersby.

Symmetry is Key

Every space needs balance as it can make or break the overall aesthetic, impacting the number of rental applications you receive. When planting any greenery – that being plants, shrubs, trees, flowers, etc. – make sure that they are evenly distributed and symmetrical. Put the same amount of plants on each side of the front door. With the driveway, have an even number of plants on each side that are parallel with one another. This gives a sense of order and elegance to the landscape, increasing the appeal.

Keep up With Routine Maintenance

With all of these features in mind, it is important to keep the landscape well maintained. This means pruning the weeds, watering the plants regularly, trimming the trees and shrubs, cutting the grass often and power washing all stones, driveways and paths. This will help maintain the beauty and integrity of the landscape, ensuring it continues to impress visitors until it is leased.