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Posted March 18, 2024 by Rental Advisors

How to Make Your Property Sustainable

The importance of sustainability cannot be overstated. Rethinking how your tenants may inhabit the space, and how you as a property manager oversee it, can help make large strides in reducing your ecological footprint. Not only does it cut costs and benefit the environment and your tenants, but it keeps the interest in your property high and the vacancy rate low. In this blog, we will discuss how you can have a positive impact on the planet through the increased energy efficiency, water conservation and waste reduction of your property, along with tools to aid you on this journey.

Get A Home Energy Audit

Before you make any major changes, look into getting a professional home energy audit done. These workers will go room-to-room, examining the energy usage in each space. These services are great at revealing things like air leakage and insulation levels that may affect your property's "invisible" energy useage. Some can even analyze your electrical bills to determine what issues there may be and where your tenants could be wasting the most energy and money.

Energy Efficiency

There are many repairs and appliance alternatives you can add to your home to make it more energy efficient. Swap out incandescent bulbs for LED lighting as they consume less energy. You can also install energy-efficient appliances like dishwashers, stoves, dryers, refrigerators, microwaves and much more. This can be done with the heating and cooling systems as well. To make sure that no hot or cold air is escaping, check the insulation in the walls, floors and attic as well as draft-proof the windows. This will help lower monthly energy bills. Lastly, if it is a reasonable and viable option, consider adding on-site renewable energy. This can be done in the form of solar panels or small wind turbines in the backyard.

Water Conservation

The best way to conserve water is by educating tenants on how to reduce water useage, such as by turning off the tap when brushing their teeth, or reporting any drips or leaks immediately for repair. To help the situation, you can install low-flow appliances – such as faucets, shower heads and toilets - to further reduce excess water usage. A simple way to control water consumption outside is implementing a rainwater harvesting system. This can be used to help water the plants and maintain your property's landscape without skyrocketing water costs. Look into drought-resistance plants - such as lavender and yarrow - that can thrive if there is a lack of water, thereby reducing the need for irrigation. 

Waste Reduction

In order to prevent all waste being thrown in the garbage, set up a comprehensive and easy-to-use recycling system for your tenants. Clearly label the recycling and compost bins, placing them in an obvious spot to encourage them to sort their trash.

Smart Technology

Many devices and services have been invented to assist you in managing your properties, helping to make them more sustainable. There are thermostats and lighting options to optimize the energy usage. There are sensors that can monitor water usage and detect leaks. There are even smart irrigation systems to adjust watering schedules based on the weather conditions. While these are investment pieces, they are sure to help save resources and reduce costs in the long run.